Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Another thing to cross off my list(s)!

Short post to say that 26 months after starting it, I finally wore my funky skirt at work today.

It looks like a skirt!
What I really like about this skirt (besides the fact that I was able to save it from a terrible disaster) is that because I cut it all wrong over 2 years ago, I didn't have enough fabric to redo the lining of the belt, so I bought some green fabric, which I had enough of to also line the hem. It adds a cute touch, I find, and even better, in a town that is so windy, I didn't have to hold my skirt down once all day! The Hungarian dancer in me can't wait to wear it to dance and spin!

My man is not at all convinced by that fabric, but I really find it funny. And it matches with everything! A perfect travel skirt for next week!

Talking about travels, I better go and start packing. Talk to you soon!

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