And I wanted to say that:
I finished something!
Yes, I knitted something, and finished it, and it was nice enough that I could even give it out as a present (which hurt my heart, but only for a second).
It is the beautiful Fisherman's wife beret, made with Lana Grande yarn from Cascade (wonderful yarn that an be knitted and unknitted countless times...)
I learned a lot while knitting this hat:
- My "knitting maths" improved (knit 2 together + yarn over = same number of stiches)
- You might still end up with a wearable piece even if you do not follow the pattern perfectly. However, you should always have experts around to reassure you about that.
- Mistakes are not so terrible, as long as you remember to breath when stressed (thanks Elizabeth for regularly reminding me)
- I love markers, and cannot knit without them
- Unknitting parts to fix a mistake is difficult in a lacy pattern
- I'm really not at a point yet where I can knit and talk at the same time
- I can finish things!!! (That's really the most important lesson learned !!!)
Meanwhile, I'm also working on a baby piece for a colleague who is expecting.That patterm, so far, has been very easy and pleasant to knit, and helped me learn several new things. My man is away to school today (I am a grad studies widow) so I hope to be able to finish it today - more in the next post!
Have a good weekend!
Congrats on finishing your hat!! I'm going to make that pattern, too, if you don't mind (as soon as I finish my baby blanket phase :P).